
  • Letting Go Series (Resounding Yes) - 22 May 2020
    For Topic Tueaday, I shared about my goal of saying no is to create opportunity to spend my time on things I value most in life. It took me years to feel confident in saying no if it is not an unmistakable yes.
  • Letting Go Series (Resounding Yes) - 19 May 2020
    Now, most of us are at home and busyness ground to a complete halt. We are spending more time with our families, in the kitchen and maybe even in our yards. Although we are in a hard and challenging season, time is a new gift. Time creates opportunity to enjoy your house, the outdoors, and time with your family. All of this made me realize I need to carry over some of this time when life starts going again.
  • Letting Go Series (Exercise for Weightloss) - 14 May 2020
    One way I improved my wellbeing was by avoiding the scale. I used to go on it two/three times per week. Now, I only went on it once the last three/four months. Muscle weighs more than fat. When I start to exercise, specifically weightlifting, I gain weight.
  • Letting Go Series (Exercise for Weightloss) - 12 May 2020
    This year I have found the important of exercise for my health, both physically and mentally. It is easy to feel let down after working hard at the gym (or in this case my garage) and not seeing the desired results. Exercise produces results beyond what we can see. Regular exercise results in profound positive impacts on depression, anxiety, ADHD, stress and can improve memory, boost overall mood and much more. For me, regular exercise gives a sense of wellbeing. I have more energy, more confidence, I sleep better at night and overall, and I just feel better about myself and life.
  • Letting Go Series (Living Minimally) - 05 May 2020
    No one ever looks back on their life thankful for their stuff or the things they bought. I want to make sure that I am able to passionately pursue my hobbies and desires to the fullest. For us, it means removing the things we do not use and practice mindfulness when we purchase something. It is about quality not quantity.
  • Letting Go Series (I Am Enough - Part 2) - 30 Apr 2020
    Rest in the truth and free the lies. It is a simple concept but requires an arduous effort to master. Do you recognize when shame starts to creep in? It is help to analyze what you are listening to and where your thoughts are taking you. Evaluate your actions and then act. Do not rest in shame, or lies. Shift your mindset and perspective into truth.
  • Letting Go Series (I Am Enough) - 28 Apr 2020
    Circumstances change. They always will. Do I put my worth in my circumstances? In what I am doing today? In what I look like today? If I did, it would be fleeting. I would not be setting myself up for success but rather disappoint and failure because life is ever changing.
  • Letting Go (Series - Part 1) - 23 Apr 2020
    Take some time today or this weekend to reflect and journal some of the things/areas you want to let go of. As I started to list out mine, I was shocked with what I am still holding onto. After the first one, the ideas and thoughts kept on flowing. It was clear I needed to write it down. There is something healing about committing it to paper. It is a small step but a first step in letting go.
  • Letting Go (Series) - 21 Apr 2020
    There is beauty even in this season. Part of the beauty is the gift of time. I want to use this time to look deeper into my soul, spirit and heart. I want to actively be working towards the best version of myself. I desire to put habits into practice to carry over into all seasons.