Camping Reset

Rest for the Soul

Sunset Over the Lake

We spent the weekend camping and it was exactly what my soul needed. Campfires, s’mores, a hike, watching the sunset over the lake, finishing a book, hot coffee, sleeping in a tent, warm layers, and the reset from the stillness and beauty of the outdoors.

I struggle with anxiety and it is no secret that where we are as a nation right now is crazy. I do not share about politics or really any news related things, not because I do not care, trust me I do. We are bombarded with it in almost every other part of our lives. My desire is my posts, pictures, and words bring hope and healing in your journey of health.

My soul needs healing from this year and from the ongoing stress that it brings. I talk a lot about my physical healing journey but I am going to start sharing a little more on my mental and emotional healing journey.

The outdoors, escaping from everyday life is something that re-grounds me. The Alaskan in me craves nature and the healing and restoration it brings.

Self-care is something I know is talked about a lot but for me it is not necessarily a bath or pedicure (although it can be). It is shutting off the noise and tuning into the sound of the wind, or the birds chirping. It is getting off social media, taking a break from T.V, and picking up a book. It is in that stillness I feel closest to myself and God. I am able to hear, because there are not a million other things fighting for my attention.

In this season, I think self care is extremely important so head outside, turn off your phone, pick up a book, journal, sit outside, and revel in the beauty and healing nature brings.


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