Spend Time Clearing the Clutter

Tip Thursday

I spent time today organizing our pantry & spice cabinet and I’m so glad I did it! One thing that I have learned through all my health struggles is how to manage my stress. One of the ways for me is keeping the space I live in clean and organized.

Recently, I made a goal to go through every drawer, room, closet and cabinet in our house. Even though I wouldn’t consider myself a minimalist, my desire is to get rid of clutter and unused items. For me, being in a space that has less and is clean provides so much more peace and comfort.

I like to set weekly goals for myself and schedule time to achieve them in my planner. This week it was to organize the spice cabinet and it just made sense to do the pantry as well. I may share in stories what I have in my pantry. So stay tuned!

Have you set any goals for yourself? What are some things that you do to ensure you reach them?

tip-thursday   cleaning   mindfulness  

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